Located on 2000 acres of previously unused quarry land, just north of Fourways, Johannesburg, Steyn City promises to be a metropolitan resort offering the best estate lifestyle with a unique concept and entirely unlike existing residential estates and gated communities in South Africa.

Insurance and business tycoon, Douw Steyn and property developer Giuseppe Plumari have combined their talent and vision of building a city within a city with the family at its core. Reminiscent of traditional community centred, pedestrian-zoned towns, residents of Steyn City Estate can do away with their motor vehicle and instead enjoy living in a quality, upmarket space where amenities are always in walking distance, children can play freely and concerns about traffic and crime are put on the back burner.

The resort is within a 15 minute drive from Lanseria airport and a planned airport shuttle will provide an alternative transfer option for business travellers and young executives on the go.

An estate of this size needs to be sustainable and the developers have been keen to create an environmentally friendly footprint from the get go. Indigenous trees including wild olive, river bush willow and white stinkwood are home grown in an on-site nursery and a 1000 of these are being planted each day.

Security at the resort is of world class quality and includes CCTV surveillance, advanced video analytics, intrusion detection technology on the perimeter fence, a nerve centre with state of the art equipment in the control room, Integrated Biometric, RFID tag and License Plate Recognition (LPR), access control technology and advanced resident, visitor and contractor management systems, ensuring the safest possible environment to live and work in.

It is difficult to appreciate the full scope of the vision behind Steyn City without physically being on site. When fully developed, Steyn City will be 6 times the size of Sandton’s city centre, 4 times the size of the city of Monaco and 2½ times the size of New York’s Central Park and will provide 8 000 dwellings for approximately 20 000 residents, you are left feeling a little breathless and entirely overwhelmed by the sheer immensity.

Judging by the size and quality of the investment to date the developers are right on track in bringing their vision of a metropolitan resort offering a lifestyle choice for likeminded individuals that want contemporary living but with old school values.


Location Map

Indicative Price List

Prices have been calculated as indicative, relative to the exchange rate prevailing during October 2020. Final price is determined at the time of contract with consideration given to the spot exchange rate at the time.

Notwithstanding land size of each plot of vacant land, prices will vary depending on the relative location within an estate. Factors affecting this cost include:

  • Relative location to green belts;
  • Whether the land is a re-sale from a previous 3rd party owner or whether the land is a sale directly from the developer;
  • Waterlogged and rocky surfaces tend to make a vacant land cheaper as these will most likely increase the cost of building on the plot;
  • Current status of the rates, taxes and levies balance on the plot.

As part of our overall service, we research all the risk factors outlined above to ensure that we cover our clients’ exposure to such risks, which unfortunately, are not always highlighted by Estate Agents when land is sold.

1000sqm Stand
$ 260 000
1500sqm Stand
$ 402 000
2000sqm Stand
$ 525 000